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How to: Delete contacts
Emma Nilsson avatar
Written by Emma Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

There are three different ways of deleting contacts in MarketHype; you can read more about them below.

When a contact is deleted from MarketHype, the contact's information will be removed, and finding or communicating with the contact will no longer be possible.

However, the system will retain the contact's order history to display it under, for example, Sales > Events, but the order cannot be linked to the specific contact.

Deleted contacts can be created again when imported via, for example, an integration or manual import.

The ability to communicate marketing information to a reimported contact may depend on whether the contact actively opted out before being deleted. If so, the contact must opt-in again (with freely given consent) to receive your marketing communications.

Delete a single contact

To delete a single contact, go to Audience > Manage and find the contact. Enter the contact card and click "Action" in the upper right corner, followed by "Anonymize."

Automated data cleanup

This setting is enabled by default for all new organizations starting on January 10, 2025, and automatically deletes contacts.

To manage the feature, go to Settings > Automatic data cleanup. When active, the cleanup runs once every day, and a log displays the number of contacts deleted.

The data cleanup follows certain conditions to decide when a contact will be deleted:

Contacts will be automatically deleted under the following conditions:

  • Contacts who cannot be reached due to a spam complaint.

  • Contacts whose messages (email or SMS) consistently fail to deliver (e.g., bounces).

  • Contacts who have unsubscribed from all subscription types and no longer have valid consent.

  • Contacts whose legitimate interest consent has expired, leaving them without valid consent. To view and adjust the validity time of legitimate interest for your organization, click here.

Contacts will not be deleted if:

  • They have another reachable email address or phone number with active consent.

  • They have something upcoming to attend or attended something in the last 30 days.

Delete contacts in subscription types

Go to Settings > Subscription types, hover over the subscription type you want to delete and click "Delete." This will delete all contacts in that subscription type who do not have active consent in any other subscription type. Once deleted, the action can't be undone.

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